As we quickly approach Easter the word that resides the most to me is Love. In the years that Jesus spent on this earth, he did everything in love. Whether it was healing the sick, preaching to the lost, and leading his disciples he did these things in Love. Not the "love" we see on social media and television. The love we see from Jesus is the love that puts others first before yourself. The love that helps those in need and uplifts, the same love that forgives even when they are chastising you. Jesus is the pure example of what true love is. Not only is he the example of love but he is Love itself.
"1 John 4:16 - We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them."
We must take up our cross daily and love the Lord with all our hearts and love people as well. Our job as Christians is to plant the seed of love that God has given us so we can lead people to Christ who has saved us and given us a chance to his paradise with him. My brothers and sisters in Christ we must learn to love one another just like our God who loves us no matter how great the sin. We must learn to love like our God who gave up his Son to die for us. That is the true embodiment of true Love.